Pedagogical Tact: Phenomenology in Education from Community and Family Perspectives




Education, pedagogical touch, parents, teachers


Current education faces the challenge of humanizing the educational process by integrating the community, family, and school to avoid inconsistencies and promote holistic development. The problem lies in the lack of coordination among these agents, which can result in a punitive and dehumanizing education. The objective of this article is to analyze how the community, family, and school can collaborate to implement an educational approach based on pedagogical tact, promoting a more humanizing and effective education. Qualitative hermeneutic philosophical research was conducted. Using content analysis, key authors' texts were reviewed, and a hermeneutic analysis was applied to interpret the collected data, identifying relevant patterns and themes. The results revealed that the effective integration of the community, family, and school, based on pedagogical tact, can foster a more understanding and supportive educational environment, enhancing both the academic and personal development of students. The most notable conclusion of the article is that a coordinated and humanizing educational approach, which values the integrity and full development of individuals, can significantly transform current educational practices, benefiting the integral growth of students.


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Author Biographies

  • José Rafael Abreu Fuentes, Metropolitan International University

    José Abreu es un destacado académico con una sólida formación y trayectoria en el ámbito educativo. Posee un Licenciado en Educación mención Castellano y Literatura, un Magister en Dirección Gerencial, un Doctorado en Ciencias de la Educación y un PhD en Filosofía e Investigación. Además, ha completado postdoctorados en Gerencia Transcompleja, Políticas Públicas y Educación, y Hermenéutica e Interpretación Científica. Con 16 años de experiencia en docencia e investigación universitaria, actualmente se desempeña como docente e investigador en la Universidad Internacional Metropolis de California, USA, y como Rector de la Fundación Universitaria FUJA en Venezuela.

  • Reina Maribel Ponce Pastor , Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán

    Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán


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How to Cite

Abreu Fuentes, J. R. ., & Ponce Pastor , R. M. . (2024). Pedagogical Tact: Phenomenology in Education from Community and Family Perspectives. Journal of Scientific Metrics and Evaluation, 2(I), 49-68.

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