Developing students' scientific competencies using the school's environmental context in rural and semi-rural settings




Educational Sciences and Environment, Educational Environment, Educational Research, Skills Development


The study implemented a didactic proposal to develop Scientific Competencies in secondary students from rural and semi-rural contexts by leveraging the school's environmental surroundings. Using an instrumental case study methodology, progression hypotheses were established, revealing a sufficient correlation (0.32) in scientific competency development between two targeted students, as determined by Kendall's Tau-B. The research focused on two students deemed suitable by their teacher, with evidence analyzed to create a performance rubric that assessed competency development. The findings indicated that the teacher's ecology teaching model aligned with a level 2 progression based on specialized literature, leading to specific didactic recommendations. The study concluded that effectively incorporating constructs for developing scientific competencies requires teachers to adopt critical perspectives on the inconsistencies in the Colombian educational system, understand scientific competencies in an international context, and engage as reflective researchers. This approach is essential for fostering scientific competency development in the classroom.


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Author Biographies

  • John Andersson Gómez Soto, Institución Educativa Inem, Docente-Investigador, Cali, Colombia

    Licenciado en Ciencias Naturales y Educación Ambiental, Magíster en Enseñanza de las Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, y Doctor en Educación con Énfasis en Educación en Ciencias. Experto en el campo de la enseñanza de las ciencias experimentales (Química y Biología), y la educación ambiental. Con experiencia en formación de maestros iniciales y en ejercicio (Ed básica, media y superior). Cuento con una visión actualizada sobre la investigación pedagógica en las diferentes modalidades de la educación (formal, no formal, a distancia, comunitaria, entre otras). He orientado proyectos interdisciplinarios y cursos universitarios en el campo de la educación científica desde los ámbitos: curricular, epistemológico, didáctico e investigativo.

  • Francisco Javier Gómez Vergara, Unidad Central del Valle (UCEVA), Docente-Investigador, Tuluá, Colombia

    Teacher-Researcher in Environmental Education, with a particular focus on biological sciences. He is currently an adjunct lecturer at the Central Valley Unit, where he contributes to teaching and research in his field of expertise.


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How to Cite

Gómez Soto, J. A. ., & Gómez Vergara, F. J. . (2024). Developing students’ scientific competencies using the school’s environmental context in rural and semi-rural settings. Journal of Scientific Metrics and Evaluation, 2(I), 89-115.

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