Article Processing Charges

Article Processing Charges (APC)

At JoSME, we are committed to publishing high-quality research and ensuring that our content is accessible to the entire academic community through the open access model. To maintain the sustainability of our operations and ensure the quality of our editorial processes, we charge an Article Processing Charge (APC) to authors whose manuscripts are accepted for publication.


The APC covers a variety of costs associated with the editorial and publication process, including:

  • Peer Review: Compensation for the management and coordination of the peer review process to ensure the academic quality of the articles.
  • Editorial Production: Editing, formatting, and preparing articles for publication in accessible and high-quality formats.
  • Digital Preservation: Ensuring that published content is digitally preserved for the long term through agreements with archiving services such as CLOCKSS/LOCKSS.
  • Platform Maintenance: Development, maintenance, and updating of the technical infrastructure that enables open access to articles, as well as data security.
  • Promotion and Dissemination: Marketing and dissemination activities to increase the visibility and impact of published articles, benefiting authors by maximizing the reach of their research.


Transparency and Waiver Policy

We understand that some authors may face financial limitations. Therefore, JoSME offers waiver or reduction policies for APCs to authors from low-income countries, as well as to those who demonstrate a justified economic need. These requests are evaluated on a case-by-case basis to ensure equity in access to publication.

Our goal is to maintain a transparent and fair financial policy while ensuring that JoSME remains a sustainable and accessible platform for the dissemination of academic research.


The APC amount is 80 USD per article, a fee we consider fair and accessible, designed to cover the necessary publication costs and ensure the sustainability of the journal.